How a people-first strategy drives recruitment and retention across the Army

Finding, recruiting, and retaining the right talent are top challenges for the Army. A modern digital platform from ServiceNow can help. It digitally connects and automates processes and workflows to accelerate modernization and reach goals faster for the Army Digital Transformation Strategy. The Now Platform can better enable the Army to: - Recruit, incentivize, and reenlist soldiers by improving their quality of life - Modernize work environments to personalize soldier experiences - Identify gaps in skill sets to inform training needs and build the right talent - Optimize people by empowering today’s warfighters with modern technology - Deliver digital capabilities for a people-first Army to better meet soldiers’ needs


Dan Kunze, Mission Account Manager, Army , ServiceNow
LTC Kristin Saling, Director of the Commanding General's Innovation Cell, U.S. Army Human Resources Command

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